The Classification of Mushrooms ( Fungi)

The Classification of mushrooms (Fungi)

Hai guys, now I will explain you about The Classification of Fungi, Fungi are classified into five divisions based on its reproduction types. They are Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Deuteromycota, By the way I will explain them one by one please read the explanation below :

1. Division Chytridiomycota
    The chytridiomycota includes the oldest fungi fossil with the motile spores, which had flagella ( zoospore). 
    Flagella has disappeared from cells of other fungi. Most members of this division have chitinized cell wall.
    Chytrid is an aquatic fungus that does not live on land.  The examples are Allomyces and Chytridium.

 2. Division Zygomycota
     Zygomycota have coenocytic hypha. They do not have
     one nucleus, but rather have long multinucleus, 
     Haploid hypha that comprise their mycelia. Microscopically, The myselium of Zygomycota has three 
     types of hyphae, rhizoids, stolon and spongariophore.The rhizoids are functioned like root. Stolon forms a
     network on the surface of substrate. The sporangiophore grows upright in the surface of substrate, it 
     bears sporangia on its end that produces spores.

     The process of zygomycota reproduction :
      a. On each of hypha will grow a small swollen structure ( short branch) horizontally and facing each other
          so that two ends of branches meet each oher.
      b. Each hypha branch- end produces gamete
      c. Fusion between two gametes and then forming the zygospore.
      d. Meiosis occur within the zygosporangium and form the haploid spores.
      e. The mature spores will germinate when it falls on suitable place.

      The example of zygomycota is rhizopus stolonifer, This fungus cause of spoilage bread and rice. The 
       other members of zygomycota are:
  • Mucor mucedo cause saprobes on animal feces
  •  M. Javanicus used in the production of fermented sticky rice and cassava
  • Rhizopus oryzae used in the production of tempe, sake and wine
 3. Division Ascomycota
     The members of ascomycota have imperfect septa. Part of hyphae penetrate into substrates and absorb 
      nutrients, while the others will grow on the substrates and produce branches called conidiophores.
      On each apex of conidiophore, it produced asexsual reproduction structure called conidia. When spores
      fall on suitable environtmental condition, they will grow into new individual fungi.
      The special characteristic of ascomycota is having ascus in its sexual reproduction cycle. One ascus 
      normally consist of eight or sometimes four ascospores. The followings are the process of the formation:
  • The ends of adjacent hyphae are forming antheridium and ascogonium.
  •  Male gamete from antheridium moves to female gamete within ascogonium, and fusion between nucleus from the two gametes occurs.
  •  Ascogonium cell elongates, and the nucleus resulted from the fusion is having meiosis division and then form four haploids.
       Unicellular ascomycota such as Saccharomyces sp. (yeast) is possible have sexual and asexual 
       reproduction depends on the enviromental condition.
       Members of Ascomycota division :
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae used in commercial brewing
  • Aspergillus niger saprobes on spoilage food and used for purification of fruit essence
  • Aspergillus flavus cause hepar cancer
  • Aspergillus wentii used in soy sauce.

 4. Division Basidiomycota
     The main characteristic of basidiomycota is having basidium. Basidium is the sexual reproduction phase  
     of basidiomycota. Basidiomycota  are macroscopic, their hyphae are septated. These are the process of 
     basidiospore formation :
  •  Two different haploids hyphae are having plasmogamy and form hyphae with double nucleus.
  • Apical ends of hyphae located at the base of basidiocarp swell to form basidium and two nucleus fuse into diploid nucleus (2n)
  • The diploid nucleus divide by meiosis resulting four haploid nucleus, two positive and two negative.
When the basidium become mature, it will break off and basidiospores will spread out. Basidiospores that fall on favourable enviromental condition will grow into mature fungi.
The examples of basidiomycota :
  • Volvariella volvacea used as food material
  •  Auricularia polithricha is a saprophytes on wood
  • Amanita sp used in production of strong mycotoxin
I think that's all so I say thank you for visit my simple blog and good luck.



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